Public Records Request
Public Records Request
Shore Metropolitan Park District (District) makes available for inspection and copying nonexempt “public records” in accordance with published rules (Public Records Disclosure Policy). The Clerk of the Board is the designated Records Officer for the District. It is the role of this office to assure the District is in compliance with the Public Records Act. The District provides access to public records under the provisions of the Washington State Public Records Act (RCW 42.56).
Many public records are currently available on the District’s website at no cost. Please see the following for a listing of commonly accessed documents available on our website:
Current Year Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Board Resolutions
Previous Years Board Meetings Agendas and Minutes
Current Annual Budget and Previous Annual Budgets
District Strategic Plan
District Policies and Procedures
Current and previous State Audit Reports
Current and previous Annual Reports
To request public records which are not posted on our web site, please complete the Public Records Request Form which can then be e-mailed or faxed to us, or dropped off at our office. Our business office is located at:
Shore Aquatic Center
225 E. 5th St.
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Office Hours: M-F 9am-5pm.
If copies of the requested records is requested a charge of $0.15 per page shall be charged. An electronic copy can be given for $1.00 for the cost of a CD/ROM disk.
Some public records are exempt from disclosure, in whole or in part. If the District believes that a record is exempt from disclosure and should be withheld, the public records officer will state the specific exemption and provide a brief explanation of why the record or a portion of the record is being withheld. Questions or comments concerning public records requests should be directed to the District Clerk of the Board at Lorit@sacpa.org.