Policies & Procedures

District Policies and Procedures
In an effort to make all our policy and procedures available to the public, we have linked all our adopted policies and procedures below. We will continue our efforts toward making the Shore Metropolitan Park District facilities and programs the safest and most enjoyable. If you have any questions, concerns or thoughts please contact the District at 360-775-2119.We apologize for any documents not accessible or not up to date, as our page is still under construction along with our facility.
Section 100: Founding Documents
120: Quickclaim Deed of Pool Facility and parking area from City of Port Angeles (6-29-09)
130: Interlocal Agreement between Port Angeles and Clallam County (6-2-09)
140: Interlocal Agreement with Clallam County (11-3-09)
160: Resolution 28-09 Clallam County (3-24-09)
Section 200: General and Administrative
Section 300: Operating and Facility Procedures
Section 400: Human Resource
Section 500: Finance and Purchasing
515: Accountability and Reconciling of Financial Accounts (2-25-15)
518: Post Issuance Procedures for Tax Exempt Bonds (5-29-13)
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